Ocean Community Church: A Congregation of the Reformed Church in America
gathering in Manahawkin, NJ since 1982
Sunday Services (Coffee Hour between services)
9am - informal Contemporary
In person and live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube (with Children's Ministry breakout September-May)
Nursery Available at early service for infant up to age 5
11am - formal Traditional
In person and live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube
Monday lunch-time Zoom Bible Study at 12 NOON
Wednesday Devotion & Fellowship 10:30AM - 12 NOON
Thursday In-Person Bible study at 9AM
Tuesday and Thursday evening zoom prayer, 7PM (approximately 15 minutes via this LINK.)
Fellowship Events select Monday evenings from 6-8PM
(1st Monday - Men's Night; 3rd Monday - Women's Night)
Last Friday of each month Fellowship, Potlucks & Special Events 6-8PM
1492 Rt 72 West, Manahawkin NJ 08050
office phone: 609-597-5151 fax: 609-597-5071
email: oceanchurch@comcast.net
Download the Church Center App and find online giving, directory, group & event information in the palm of your hand. Getting connected is just a click away!
JOIN US FOR OUR SUNDAY 9AM OR 11AM SERVICES THAT ARE BOTH IN-PERSON AND LIVE-STREAMED ON FACEBOOK and YouTube. Visit our youtube channel for live and saved services.
We welcome offerings and donations via the CHURCH GIVING button below. These will be recorded for year-end tax statements.